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Sentral Modules
Academic Reporting
How do I Import Comment Banks?
Can I send a newsfeed item for Publishing reports?
How do I change the reporting template so that it shows preferred names?
How do I edit the height of columns in the report template?
How do I get my school logo in academic reports?
How do I print different year level reports?
How do I Export a report template?
In reports, I am seeing an error message that the class is not associated with any assessment schema ?
How do I add effort to reports?
How do I add a school logo as a water mark?
How can I override the general comment length in Academic Reports ?
Can I add house points tally to reports?
If I have different outcomes for each year, do I need a different schema for each year in Academic Reports ?
Our published reports are not appearing on the portal?
Can I review completion of reports in Academic reports?
How do I signoff reports as a teacher?
Why can I not get previous scores from another reporting period to print?
The activities on my reports are incorrect?
I have two-year levels in my class, but I can only see half of them. Where are they?
I can’t select any year groups to add to my reporting period?
When I imported my classes I only got a few students. Why would this be happening?
When I print reports, I get a big red error saying no overall schema, why?
Can I lock out staff from entering data before the reporting cycle ends?
Can I review completion of reports?
Can I run a spell check in reports?
Can I delete a faculty schema?
How can I the use fill down function in Report Comment?
Can I create a High school style report for Primary?
Can I upload a student image into Reports?
How do I add course detail to my faculty schema?
Can I see a students previous comments?
A student has changed classes in timetable, but I do not want this to reflect in reports?
How do I select strand and outcomes to display in my schema?
Which component will print the secondary assessable?
VIC 2021 - Reporting Student Achievement and Progress in Victoria
Is it possible to view students grades for previous years in this Reporting period?
How do I add padding or white space?
I have a teacher's name wrong on a report. How do I change it?
How do I add staff signatures to reports?
How do I assign classes to a schema in a high school report?
For some of the KLAs we report on Indicators; how to amend/add the indicators?
How do I reflect what intended to report on for each KLA?
How to add the electronic signature for the Principal?
How to add new students to the Academic Reports?
How to bold words in a Comment?
How do I rename a Report Template?
How do I report on EAL/D (English as another Language/Dialect)?
How do I setup other classes for reports?
How do I link Markbook to junior/primary reports
Comment Cleaning Tool - How does it work?
VIC - Achievement Data import for Cases 21
How do I add EAL/D to my primary school reports(NSW schools)?
How do I create or Import a Checklist?
I have an incorrect staff member’s name printing on the report, and I can’t get rid of them, why?
Some subjects are printing twice, why?
My strands/outcomes/checklist items aren’t printing, even though marks are entered, why?
My course results are printing with the wrong names on the final reports, why?
How do I designate a subject as secondary assessable?
Our Attendance on the report is missing or incorrect, why?
My templates did not rollover
EBS4 - Primary Schools ONLY - I wish to override rollclass names in reports
How to view Students' Previous Comments Whilst Entering Subject or General Comments
Vic Schools - previous progression point scores within reports: Reference Previous Sentral Reports reporting period
Receiving Student Not Assigned to Overall Schema Message, When All Students Are Assigned
Why is a removed User Still Appearing as a Class/Assisting/Supervising/Year Advisor?
How do I delete a reporting period ?
How do I re-order the sequence of multiple Teachers assigned to classes for Final Print?
How do I ensure Pre-Foundation Levels are not Displayed in Progression Points components?
How does a user Import Personal Comment Banks?
How do I delete an assessment schema?
How do I unlock a reporting period?
How do I Import Comment Banks?
How do I add a Comment in the Academic Report?
How do I create/edit the content of Comment Banks (content for fill-down selections)
Why is my Rank counting students on 0 as the total count of Students?
How do I generate reports for student Collation/Stapling ?
How does a faculty head create Assessment Outcomes in Reports?
Why do I get an 'error 11' when I try to import into Cases21? (VIC)
How do I import QuickVic Comment Banks into Sentral Reports?
How do I link ranks to reports from markbook?
How do I relink course calculations within my Faculty Schemas?
How can I copy an existing layout template from a different reporting period?
How do I export Progression Point data to Cases21?
How do I add a lifeskills cohort?
How do I create a layout for a specific subject?
How do I publish reports to the Student and Parent Portal or email?
How do I upload existing data from CASES21 into reports?
Can I make the Attendance Component automatically update the reporting date range?
A student has left the school, how do I generate a report?
How do I assign a Specialist or RFF teacher to a class?
How do I select assessment strands in my schema?
How do I omit a subject from the Subject List/Table in a report?
How do I setup Accelerated Students in Separate Reporting Periods?
How can I manually set a students name in reports?
How can I roll over the setup from a previous reporting period?
How can I change the order of subjects on my report?
How can I enter or change the descriptions for my Scales?
I am working in the wrong reporting period. How can I change it ?
I am having some difficulty entering Checklist Items into my Assessment Schema.
How do I refresh/reimport/add new students and classes in a reporting period?
How do I assign classes to a schema in a High School report?
How do I print a report?
How do I add my Sentral Attendance data into a reporting period?
How can I set the length of a Comment?
How do I separate English/Maths from my other KLAs?
Why do the status colours always stay as Yellow (incomplete) for Student Comments?
How do I print my student reports as a booklet ?
How do I create a custom class to use in Markbook and Reports?
Can I upload previous student reports?
See all (109)
How do I link Markbook to junior/primary reports
Go Academic Reports Setup > Assessment Schemas Click Edit against the schema you wish to edit Next to the subject, under the Tasks column, click where it states no task and set this to Markbook. Select this for all subjects you wish to assign mark books to and click Save Assessment Criteria Click Edit against one of the subjects with this task assign and click Link
Select the Category and the Markbook (which will need to be setup) and click Save Link Once that's complete you can then link the outcomes / checklist items to columns from within the markbook to grab their grade from. Once set click Save Link.