How do create an assessment in Continuous Assessment?
Navigate to the Sentral Waffle Icon
Select Continuous Assessment
The Home page for Continuous Assessment displays. Some teachers will only have one class.
Click on Activity Assessment > Create Activity.
The Create Assessment profile page displays to enable staff to create the activity, task or assessment.
Several actions need to be completed. It is important to title the work, so it is meaningful and ensure a category is selected to classify the work.
Schools may wish to add a Curriculum Source. This then links your activity nicely by curriculum once saved,
Schools can add KLA, Stage, Strand and Outcomes(s)
Ensure Register Location is set to the year level for this task and then you can apply a roll class or classes.
If you wish to set a new scale to measure your student’s assessments, you will need to ask an administrator in your school to do this in the Sentral setup.
Create feed item upon publishing to portal enables parents to receive a notification.