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Sentral Modules
Request 3rd party Donations (i.e., local business donations) - NSW Department of Education
How to process scholarship and International student funding
How to process Abstudy Centrelink Payments
Bank Queries List on GL Account - Red dot troubleshooting
Can I print a receipt on our cash register printer?
Parent portal access to Statement of Account.
How to view and create a statement
End of day summary and approval
Allocating an overpayment
Credits register
Fee and Receipt
How to correct a Payment method
Front office payments and receipting payment against a fee
How to create a fee via billing run
How to export Fee Allocations
How to export Overpayments
How to export Credits
How to export Payments
How to export Fees
Reverse Payment vs Request Refund
Allocating a credit - Front office
Fee adjustments to line-item fee amounts
How to cancel fees in bulk for an event
Remove balance on a partially paid fee
Allocating a subsidy to a student
Creating a subsidy type
Activity payments and permission on portal
How to generate a Payments Register
Allocating a Subsidy against a Fee
Checking a till and till discrepancies
Finance data sync
Closing a Till
Sentral Pay - Guest Portal link
How do I view all credits for a student?
Create a subsidy type for Flood Funding credit
Identify students with remaining flood funding credit
Sentral Finance Onboarding guide
Flag based discounts
Sibling discounts
How to create a new fee item
How to create a fee structure
How to create a fee type
How to create a billing period
Remove an outstanding balance for an old EBS Fee
How to void a credit
How to return Abstudy credits to Centrelink for students no longer enrolled
How to update the payment due date for an activity
How to process a refund request
Create a Flood funding subsidy for a student
How do I cancel a fee for a student removed from an Activity?
Creating a Till
Manage Voluntary contributions discounts between siblings
How to set up a Donation request
Eftpos terminals
How to create a Standalone Fee
How do I create a new fee type?
How do I reject a refund?
How do I approve a refund?
How do I access online payments received via the Portal and app?
Student and Contact Creation
Refund Credits and Overpayments
Payment incorrectly reversed
Create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts
How to publish old EBS/Pop fees to portal
How to adjust a fee amount which is already fully paid.
Start to finish banking process
Banking funds
Create a payable fee for third party non-student contacts
How do I process Flood Relief funding for students?
How do I cancel a fee?
Estimated Bank Deposit Date
How do I create a fee for an activity and publish to the portal?
If I create fees via the Activities module, how are students in the same family billed?
Where do I set up the Fee Value for a Fee?
How are NSW Government Back to School vouchers processed?
What are Credits?
Does cancelling an activity cancel the balance of Fees for that activity?
If my school doesn’t provide discounts, do I need to configure the Fee Structure?
What is a Fee Type in Sentral?
What is a Fee Group in Sentral?
What is the relevance of the Code when creating a Fee?
If I want to use a Student Billing Run, do I need to configure the Fee Structure for my school?
If I have split billing in place, will the percentage allocation be shown on the Fee?
Why do I now have two Contact Types for a parent?
Is there a rollover process for the Finance module?
Do parents receive notifications for fees and payments?
I have published payment requests to the Portal, but parents cannot see them, why?
Do I need to sync data from/to the Department's systems?
How do I receive a payment for a fee?
How do I Print a Fee for a Parent?
How do I verify Fees, Discount Rates and Contact Responsible for a Student?
Why are the discount rates not being applied?
See all (92)
How to export Payments
1. From the Finance module, select Exports , 2. Select Transactional and then Payments . 3. Select the Payment Methods from the dropdown – one or many. 4. Select the Payment Statuses from the dropdown – one or many. 5. Select an applicable payment date via the Filter By Payment Date?, or leave this unchecked. 6. Select Export . A .CSV file export will be presented for analysis with the following data: To learn more about Sentral Finance, watch our video tutorials or view our user, admin and quick reference guides .