Getting Started with Class Builder
Introduce Class builder to your staff.
Prerequisite: Each staff member is required to have an email address associated with their Sentral Account
- Go to Sentral Cog > Manage Users > Edit a staff member
- Add email addresses for ALL staff
- Go to Class Builder Module > Get started
- Class Builder Wizard > Add School Details and Region
- Class Builder Administrators - select staff members who will be Admin for Class Builder. If a staff member does not have email address, they are unable to be created in class builder.
- Run a search for staff to be selected
- Invite staff to sign in via Class Builder Module and they will receive a Welcome to Class Builder Screen
Once you navigate to Classbuilder, as an administrator there is a workflow to follow;
- Import Students - this may already be synced across so please verify. South Australian Schol need to import
- Import Teachers - this may already be synced across so please verify. South Australian Schol need to import
- Configure & Manage Surveys to meet your needs. Once done you can send the surveys out to staff.
- Survey -Selections
- Survey - Labels
- Survey -Tags
- Configure Classes - define the number of classes for next year
- Assign Teachers to each class to work on separations and pairings.
- Review & Edit Survey Summary
- Create & Manage Classes - create classes based on surveys completed by each teacher. Move students based on school preferences, teacher separations and parent requests.