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Sentral Modules
How to generate a previously completed evacuation report
How to print an evacuation summary
How to mark evacuation rolls from the desktop
Does an absence automatically change to absent unjustified after 7 days or does the teacher need to change the code manually?
How do we see each classes attendance percentages for each week?
Can we upload a medical certificate?
In Attendance letters how do I edit the slip template section at the bottom of the letters?
Can teachers change the student sorting in their rolls marking?
How do I add my Sentral Attendance data into a reporting period?
How come attendance percentage report is missing partial absences?
Is it possible to remove or disable an inactive manually created roll class ?
Is it possible for Sentral to display a gender natural student?
Why are some students highlight pink/red in attendance?
How do I check Attendance is formatted for a receipt printer or sticker printer?
How do I know when a student has swiped in via the Kiosk?
How do I mark a roll?
Is there any way of creating a % attendance notification for staff ?
How do I view roll class statistics?
How do I enable attendance concerns to view in Sentral?
Can I mark a roll on my mobile?
Can I switch off medical conditions in Attendance?
How do I create future absence reasons for parent in the Portal?
Where do I find Future Absences from the Portal?
How do I know which teacher marked a roll or when updates where made?
How does an absence notification appear on the Roll?
Can I remove a bulk absence?
How do I give access rolls to other staff?
How can I view all partial absences?
How do I bulk manage whole school attendance during CoVid?
Attendance - VIC Schools - Future Absence Requests defaulting to 211 Bereavement code
Is it possible to print an Evacuation Summary Report from a previous day?
3PIv4 NSW - automatic absences export
VIC - The 623, 624 and 625 Attendance Code
How do I disable an Automatic Absence Notification?
How can I get absence explanations from parents?
VIC End of Year Attendance Steps
How do I clean up Attendance records for unenrolled students?
STATS Attendance Reporting for Non-Government Schools
How do I mark a student out of uniform in Attendance
HTML Slip Print Page Setup
VIC - Import Cases Attendance to Sentral
Compliance - How to manually export attendance data into EBS4?
Where is 'Under Load Teachers Data Imported' From?
How to export absences from EBS4 into Attendance
How do I set year 12 last attendance date?
Import EBS4 Attendance Data into Sentral (NSWDOE)
How do I change the sort order of my roll?
How do I generate attendance percentages for each Year Group?
What does the 'X' stand for in the 'Official Record of Attendance' report?
How to Access Student Contact Info from Attendance?
How can I set different school start and end times for a specific year group?
How do I print a Roll Marking Sheet ?
How do I check attendance in the event of an Emergency or Evacuation ?
Why are the roll assignments on my Roll Status screen incorrect ?
Exporting Attendance Data to CASES21 (VIC)
How to activate pre-enrolled students within Attendance (NSW DEC only)*
Why aren't my Year 7 students displaying within Sentral Timetables and Attendance? (NSWDEC)
How do I assign Roll Classes to Teachers?
How do I setup AM/PM rolls in Attendance?
How do I reset my rolls at the start of the year?
How do I update the Attendance Code for Suspensions?
How does a casual teacher mark the roll if the Roll Class Teacher is absent?
How do I change term dates and holidays?
How do I record a partial absense?
How come a student is marked away at roll call but it comes up as partial absence unexplained?
How do I add new reasons for a student being in sickbay?
How do I check if all class rolls have been submitted?
How do I create Bulk Absences?
See all (68)
How to print an evacuation summary
1. Select the menu icon and choose Attendance module 2. Select Evacuation rolls in the left pane and choose Print evacuation summary. A list of today’s students, clocked in staff members, and signed in visitors displays. 3. Generate a PDF file downloadable to your desktop device Watch this short demonstration on Teachers App - Evacuations for Wardens Comprehensive resources are available to support you with the Attendance module. Watch our video tutorials on the Attendance settings or view our step by step guides